use std::{ io::{BufRead, BufReader, Write}, process::{self, Stdio}, }; use crate::{ chat::ChatMessage, events::{self, MinecraftServerEventType}, MinecraftServerSettings, MinecraftServerType, }; pub enum ParseOutput { Nothing, Error(ParseError), Event(MinecraftServerEventType), } pub enum ParseError { /// any other errors (for custom line parser implementations) Custom(String), } pub fn parse_line(line: &str, settings: &MinecraftServerSettings) -> ParseOutput { if line.trim().is_empty() { return ParseOutput::Nothing; } match &settings.server_type { MinecraftServerType::Custom { line_parser, line_parser_proc, .. } => { let mut proc = line_parser_proc.lock().unwrap(); let proc = &mut *proc; let make_new_proc = if let Some((proc, _, _)) = proc { if let Ok(Some(_)) = proc.try_wait() { // has exited true } else { false } } else { true }; if make_new_proc { if let Ok(mut new_proc) = process::Command::new(line_parser) .stdin(Stdio::piped()) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() { if let (Some(stdin), Some(stdout)) = (new_proc.stdin.take(), new_proc.stdout.take()) { *proc = Some((new_proc, stdin, BufReader::new(stdout))); } else { eprintln!("[WARN/CUSTOM-LINE-PARSER] No stdin/stdout handles!"); _ = new_proc.kill(); } } else { eprintln!("[WARN/CUSTOM-LINE-PARSER] Can't spawn command '{line_parser}'!"); } } if let Some((_proc, stdin, stdout)) = proc { if let Err(e) = writeln!(stdin, "{line}") { eprintln!("[WARN/CUSTOM-LINE-PARSER] Can't write to stdin: {e:?}"); return ParseOutput::Nothing; }; let mut buf = String::new(); if let Err(e) = stdout.read_line(&mut buf) { eprintln!("[WARN/CUSTOM-LINE-PARSER] Can't read_line: {e:?}"); return ParseOutput::Nothing; }; if buf.ends_with('\n') || buf.ends_with('\r') { buf.pop(); } if buf.len() > 0 { match buf.as_bytes()[0] { b'c' => { ParseOutput::Event(MinecraftServerEventType::ChatMessage(ChatMessage { author: buf[1..].to_owned(), message: { let mut o = String::new(); if let Err(e) = stdout.read_line(&mut o) { eprintln!( "[WARN/CUSTOM-LINE-PARSER] Can't read_line: {e:?}" ); return ParseOutput::Nothing; } o }, })) } b'j' => ParseOutput::Event(MinecraftServerEventType::JoinLeave( events::JoinLeaveEvent { username: buf[1..].to_owned(), joined: true, }, )), b'l' => ParseOutput::Event(MinecraftServerEventType::JoinLeave( events::JoinLeaveEvent { username: buf[1..].to_owned(), joined: false, }, )), b'e' => ParseOutput::Error({ if buf.len() > 1 { match buf.as_bytes()[1] { b'c' => ParseError::Custom(buf[2..].to_string()), _ => ParseError::Custom(String::new()), } } else { ParseError::Custom(String::new()) } }), _ => ParseOutput::Nothing, } } else { ParseOutput::Nothing } } else { eprintln!("[WARN/CUSTOM-LINE-PARSER] No process!"); ParseOutput::Nothing } } MinecraftServerType::VanillaMojang => { if let Some((_time, rest)) = line[1..].split_once("] [Server thread/INFO]: ") { let rest = rest.trim(); if rest.starts_with("<") { if let Some((user, msg)) = rest[1..].split_once("> ") { return ParseOutput::Event(MinecraftServerEventType::ChatMessage( ChatMessage { author: user.to_owned(), message: msg.to_owned(), }, )); } } else if rest.ends_with(" joined the game") { return ParseOutput::Event(MinecraftServerEventType::JoinLeave( events::JoinLeaveEvent { username: rest[ - " joined the game".len()].to_owned(), joined: true, }, )); } else if rest.ends_with(" left the game") { return ParseOutput::Event(MinecraftServerEventType::JoinLeave( events::JoinLeaveEvent { username: rest[ - " left the game".len()].to_owned(), joined: false, }, )); } } ParseOutput::Nothing // Vanilla servers not yet supported... } MinecraftServerType::VanillaPaperMC => { match line.chars().next() { Some('[') => { if let Some((_time, rest)) = line[1..].split_once(' ') { if let Some((severity, rest)) = rest.split_once(']') { if rest.starts_with(": ") { let rest = &rest[2..]; // eprintln!("Time: '{time}', Severity: '{severity}', Rest: '{rest}'."); match severity { "INFO" => { if let Some('<') = rest.chars().next() { if let Some((username, message)) = rest[1..].split_once('>') { return ParseOutput::Event( MinecraftServerEventType::ChatMessage( ChatMessage { author: username.to_string(), message: message[1..].to_string(), }, ), ); } } // join/leave if rest.trim_end().ends_with(" joined the game") { let username = &rest[ - 16]; return ParseOutput::Event( MinecraftServerEventType::JoinLeave( events::JoinLeaveEvent { username: username.to_string(), joined: true, }, ), ); } if rest.trim_end().ends_with(" left the game") { let username = &rest[ - 14]; return ParseOutput::Event( MinecraftServerEventType::JoinLeave( events::JoinLeaveEvent { username: username.to_string(), joined: false, }, ), ); } } _ => (), } } } } } _ => (), } ParseOutput::Nothing } } }