+ mers will not crash unless you `exit()` with a nonzero exit code or write flawed assumptions using the builtin `.assume*()` functions (Rust's `unwrap` or `expect`)
- the flexibility of dynamically typed languages
+ `x = if condition() { "my string" } else { 12 } // <- this is valid`
- "correctness" (this is subjective and I'll be happy to discuss some of these decisions with people)
+ there is no `null` / `nil`
+ all references are explicit: if you pass a list by value, the original list will *never* be modified in any way.
+ errors are normal values! (no special treatment)
- a flexible type system to easily represent these errors and any complex structure including recursive types:
+ nothing: `[]` (an empty tuple)
+ a string: `string`
+ two strings: `[string string]` (a tuple)
+ many strings: `[string ...]` (a list)
+ Either a string or nothing (Rust's `Option<String>`): `string/[]`
+ Either an int or an error: (Rust's `Result<isize, String>`): `int/string` (better: `int/Err(string)`)
- compile-time execution through (explicit) macro syntax