add/change examples

This commit is contained in:
Mark 2023-10-27 19:19:42 +02:00
parent a30ba84691
commit 078b83dfa5
4 changed files with 187 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -1,13 +1,10 @@
total := 0.0 total := 0.0
{() -> { {() -> {
("Total: ", total, ". Type a number to change.").concat.println ("Total: ", total, ". Type a number to change.").concat.println
( ().read_line.trim.parse_float.try((
().read_line.trim.parse_float, n -> &total = (total, n).sum,
( // not a number, so return a 1-tuple to break from the loop
n -> &total = (total, n).sum, () -> (())
// not a number, so return a 1-tuple to break from the loop ))
() -> (())
}}.loop }}.loop
"Goodbye.".println "Goodbye.".println

View File

@ -8,23 +8,20 @@ current := 0.0
{() -> { {() -> {
("[ ", current, " ]").concat.println ("[ ", current, " ]").concat.println
input := ().read_line.trim input := ().read_line.trim
num := ( num := (input, 1).substring.trim.parse_float.try((
(input, 1).substring.trim.parse_float, () -> 0.0,
( val -> val
() -> 0.0, ))
val -> val mode := input.substring(0, 1)
) if mode.eq("+") {
mode := (input, 0, 1).substring
if (mode, "+").eq {
&current = (current, num).sum &current = (current, num).sum
} else if (mode, "-").eq { } else if mode.eq("-") {
&current = (current, (num, -1).product).sum &current = (current, (num, -1).product).sum
} else if (mode, "*").eq { } else if mode.eq("*") {
&current = (current, num).product &current = (current, num).product
} else if (mode, "=").eq { } else if mode.eq("=") {
&current = num &current = num
} else if (input, "exit").eq { } else if input.eq("exit") {
(()) (())
} }
}}.loop }}.loop

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
gcd := vals -> { gcd := vals -> {
() -> { () -> {
(a, b) := vals (a, b) := vals
if (a, b).eq if a.eq(b)
(a) (a)
else if ((a, b).diff.signum, 1).eq else if a.diff(b).signum.eq(1)
&vals = (a, (a, b).diff) &vals = (a, a.diff(b))
else else
&vals = ((b, a).diff, b) &vals = (b.diff(a), b)
} }
}.loop }.loop

View File

@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
// if string is a + delim + b, returns (a, b),
// otherwise returns (). b can contain delim.
split_once := (s, delim) -> {
(s, delim).index_of,
index -> (
(s, 0, index).substring,
(s, (index, delim.len).sum).substring
() -> ()
// repeats split_once until no delim is left and returns a list of strings
split_ := (s, delim, require_nonempty) -> {
out := (s).as_list
() -> s.split_once(delim).try((
(s1, s2) -> {
&s = s2
if s1.len.signum.eq(1)
() -> {
if s.len.signum.eq(1)
split := (s, delim) -> s.split_(delim, true)
parse_matrix_line := input -> {
vals := input.split(" ")
vals_len := vals.len
// reverse vals
vals_rev := {() -> &vals.pop}.as_list
nums := {() -> &vals_rev.pop.try((
() -> ()
(v) -> v.parse_float.try((
() -> ()
v -> (v)
if nums.len.eq(vals_len)
if nums.len.signum.eq(1)
else ()
else ()
read_matrix_line := width -> {
(line) -> {
w := width.deref
if w.eq(0) {
width = line.len
} else {
{() -> if line.len.diff(w).signum.eq(1) {
} else (())}.loop
() -> ()
read_matrix := () -> {
width := 0
{ () -> &width.read_matrix_line }.as_list
matrix_get := (matrix, (line, col)) -> {
() -> ()
(line) -> line.get(col)
leftpad := (str, l) -> {
str := (str).concat
d := str.len.diff(l)
{() -> if d.signum.eq(1) {
&str = (" ", str).concat
&d = 1.diff(d)
} else {(())}}.loop
matrix_print := matrix -> {
height := matrix.len
width := 0
val_len := 0
matrix.for_each(line -> {
l := line.len
if l.diff(width).signum.eq(-1)
&width = l
line.for_each(val -> {
l := (val).concat.len
if l.diff(val_len).eq(-1)
&val_len = l
&val_len = val_len.sum(1)
(height, "x", width, "-matrix").concat.println
matrix.for_each(line -> {
line.for_each(val -> val.leftpad(val_len).print)
" )".println
fget := v -> v.get.try((
() -> {
"called fget but get returned ():".println
(v) -> v
matrix_height := a -> a.len
matrix_width := a -> a.get(0).try((
() -> 0
(v) -> v.len
multiply_matrix := (a, b) -> {
if a.matrix_width.eq(b.matrix_height) { -> {
{() -> (())} // an infinite iterator repeatedly returning ()
.enumerate // an infinite iterator returning (i, ())
.take(b.matrix_width) // an iterator returning (i, ()), i < b.matrix_width
.map((x, ()) -> line
.map((y, val) -> val.product(b.fget(y).fget(x)))
) // an iterator returning floats
.as_list // becomes a row in the output matrix
} else {
"cannot multiply A and B because A's width isn't B's height."
"Enter matrix A".println
a := ().read_matrix
"Enter matrix B".println
b := ().read_matrix
"A = ".print
"B = ".print
"A * B = ".print
m -> m.matrix_print
e -> e.println