use std::sync::Arc; use mers_lib::{ data::{Data, Type}, errors::CheckError, prelude_compile::{parse, Config, Source}, program::parsed::CompInfo, }; fn main() { show("1.sum(2)".to_owned()); show("1.sum(2).println".to_owned()); show("1.sum(2.5)".to_owned()); show("if true { 1 } else { 0.5 }".to_owned()); } /// Tries to parse, compile, check and run `src`, /// then prints an error or the returned value and output type to stderr. /// Note: The output type is not the type of the value but the one determined by `.check()` before the code even runs. fn show(src: String) { eprintln!( "-{}", " -".repeat(src.lines().map(|l| l.len()).max().unwrap_or(0) / 2) ); eprintln!("{src}"); match parse_compile_check_run(src) { Err(e) => eprintln!("{e}"), Ok((t, v)) => eprintln!("Returned `{}` :: `{t}`", v.get()), } } fn parse_compile_check_run(src: String) -> Result<(Type, Data), CheckError> { // prepare the string for parsing let mut source = Source::new_from_string(src); // this is used for error messages let srca = Arc::new(source.clone()); // parse the code let parsed = parse(&mut source, &srca)?; // get infos let (mut i1, mut i2, mut i3) = Config::new().bundle_std().infos(); // compile let compiled = parsed.compile(&mut i1, CompInfo::default())?; // check (this step is optional, but if it is skipped when it would have returned an error, `run` will likely panic) let output_type = compiled.check(&mut i3, None)?; // run let output_value = i2); // check that the predicted output type was correct assert!(output_value.get().as_type().is_included_in(&output_type)); // return the produced value Ok((output_type, output_value)) }