use std::sync::Arc; use mers_lib::{ data::{self, Data, Type}, errors::CheckError, prelude_compile::{parse, Config, Source}, program::parsed::CompInfo, }; fn main() { eprintln!("This is valid:"); run("my_custom_var.debug.rust_func.debug".to_owned()).unwrap(); eprintln!(); eprintln!("This is not:"); let e = run("5.rust_func".to_owned()).err().unwrap(); eprintln!("{e:?}"); } fn run(src: String) -> Result<(), CheckError> { let mut source = Source::new_from_string(src); let srca = Arc::new(source.clone()); let parsed = parse(&mut source, &srca)?; // Add our custom variables to the `Config` let (mut i1, mut i2, mut i3) = Config::new() .bundle_std() .add_var( "my_custom_var".to_owned(), Data::new(data::string::String(format!("my custom value!"))), ) .add_var( "rust_func".to_owned(), Data::new(data::function::Function::new_generic( |arg| { // If the input is a string, the output is a string. // Otherwise, the function is used incorrectly. if arg.is_included_in_single(&data::string::StringT) { Ok(Type::new(data::string::StringT)) } else { // Wrong argument type. The code won't compile and this is the error message shown to the user. Err(format!("Can't call rust_func with non-string argument {arg}!").into()) } }, |arg| { let arg = arg.get(); let arg = &arg .as_any() .downcast_ref::() .unwrap() .0; Ok(Data::new(data::string::String(arg.chars().rev().collect()))) }, )), ) .infos(); let compiled = parsed.compile(&mut i1, CompInfo::default())?; compiled.check(&mut i3, None)?; i2)?; Ok(()) }