mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 05:43:53 +01:00
bugfix, musicdb-find_and_add_missing_songs tests
This commit is contained in:
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
name = "musicdb-find_and_add_missing_songs"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
# See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html
clap = { version = "4.5.16", features = ["derive"] }
musicdb-lib = { path = "../musicdb-lib" }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
gen_escape_str := str -> {
"echo".run_command(("-ne", str)).try((
(s, stdout, stderr) -> if s.eq(0) stdout else ""
e -> ""
gen_color := mode -> ("\\x1b[", mode, "m").concat.gen_escape_str
// 0: reset | 1: bold, 2: dim, 3: italic, 4: underline, 9: strikethrough
// Colors: FG/BG=3x/4x (bright, if supported: 9x/10x) | 1red 2green 3yellow 4blue 5magenta 6cyan 7white 9default
clr_reset := "0".gen_color
clr_red := "31".gen_color
clr_green := "32".gen_color
clr_yellow := "33".gen_color
clr_blue := "34".gen_color
clr_magenta := "35".gen_color
clr_cyan := "36".gen_color
clr_white := "37".gen_color
clr_default := "39".gen_color
clr_dim := "2".gen_color
clr_top_bar_decorations := "2;34" // dim blue
clr_top_bar_title := "1;37".gen_color // bold white
clr_top_bar_err := "1;31".gen_color // bold red
clr_top_bar_empty := clr_dim // dim
clr_artist := "35".gen_color // magenta
clr_album := "32".gen_color // green
clr_user_input_line_decor := "2;36".gen_color // dim cyan
clr_user_input_line := "1;36".gen_color // bold cyan
clr_unknown_cmd := "31".gen_color // red
clr_buf_timestamp := "2;34".gen_color // dim blue
clr_search := "1;32".gen_color // dim green
// clear terminal and reset cursor and colors
// save cursor, reset cursor and color
term_before_redraw := "\\x1b[s\\x1b[H\\x1b[0m".gen_escape_str
// restore cursor pos
term_put_cursor_back := "\\x1b[u".gen_escape_str
// erase rest of line in case previous version of this line was longer than new version, then add newline
term_clear_rest_of_screen := "\\x1b[0J".gen_escape_str
line_end := ("\\x1b[0K".gen_escape_str, clr_reset, "\n").concat
str_repeat := (str, count) -> {
out := ""
().loop(() -> if count.gt(0) {
&count = count.subtract(1)
&out = (out, str).concat
} else (()))
current_queue_index := [List<Int>] ().as_list
reset_cursor_pos := true
term_buf_len := 10
term_buf := ("Welcome! Type `help` for help.").as_list
bprintln := line -> {
time := "date".run_command(("+%T")).try((
(s, stdout, stderr) -> if s.eq(0) stdout.trim else ""
e -> ""
&term_buf.push((clr_buf_timestamp, time, " | ", clr_reset, line).concat)
// remove start of term_buf if it gets too long
if term_buf.len.gt(term_buf_len.product(2)) {
&term_buf = term_buf.enumerate.filter_map((i, v) -> if i.lt(term_buf_len) () else (v)).as_list
custom_input_handler := [()/(String, String, List<String>)] ()
update_ui := () -> {
screen := term_before_redraw
sprintln := line -> &screen = (screen, line, line_end).concat
// top bar
(top_bar_line_1, top_bar_line_2) := ().queue_get_current_song.try((
() -> ((clr_top_bar_empty, "[-]").concat, "")
id -> id.get_song.try((
() -> ((clr_top_bar_err, "[!]").concat, "")
{id: _, title: title, album: album, artist: artist, cover: _} -> {
l1 := (clr_top_bar_title, title).concat
artist := artist.get_artist
album := album.try_allow_unused((
() -> ()
id -> album.get_album
l2 := (artist, album).try_allow_unused((
((), ()) -> ""
({id: _, name: artist_name, cover: _, albums: _, singles: _}, ()) -> (clr_dim, "by ", clr_artist, artist_name).concat
((), {id: _, name: album_name, artist: _, cover: _, songs: _}) -> (clr_dim, "on ", clr_album, album_name).concat
({id: _, name: artist_name, cover: _, albums: _, singles: _}, {id: _, name: album_name, artist: _, cover: _, songs: _}) -> (clr_dim, "by ", clr_reset, clr_artist, artist_name, clr_reset, clr_dim, " on ", clr_reset, clr_album, album_name).concat
(l1, l2)
(if ().get_playing "⏵" else "⏸", " ", top_bar_line_1).concat.sprintln
// term buf
buf_ln := 0
().loop(() -> if buf_ln.lt(term_buf_len){
() -> "".sprintln
(line) -> line.sprintln
&buf_ln = buf_ln.sum(1)
} else (()))
// user input line
user_input_line := (clr_user_input_line_decor, custom_input_handler.try((() -> if current_queue_index.len.gt(0) ">> " else " > ", (_, v, _) -> v)), clr_user_input_line).concat
// print screen
screen, user_input_line,
if reset_cursor_pos term_clear_rest_of_screen else term_put_cursor_back
&reset_cursor_pos = false
if false ().update_ui // check
show_queue_recursive := max_depth_layers -> {
stack := ((current_queue_index, -1, false)).as_list
().loop(() -> {
() -> (())
((index, depth, show)) -> if (max_depth_layers.eq(0), depth.lt(max_depth_layers)).any {
index := [List<Int>] index
line := if show {
o := ""
i := 0
().loop(() -> if i.lt(depth) { &o = (o, " ").concat, &i = i.sum(1) } else (()))
} else ""
if show &line = (clr_dim, line).concat
() -> ()
{enabled: _, song: id} -> id.get_song.try((
() -> &line = (line, clr_reset, "[!] ", id).concat
{id: _, title: title, album: _, artist: _, cover: _} -> &line = (line, clr_reset, title).concat
{enabled: _, loop: {total: total, done: done}} -> {
index := index
&stack.push((index, depth, false))
&line = (line, "Loop").concat
{enabled: _, random: ()} -> {
&line = (line, "Random").concat
index := index
&stack.push((index, depth.sum(1), true))
{enabled: _, shuffle: ()} -> {
&line = (line, "Shuffle").concat
index := index
&stack.push((index, depth, false))
{enabled: _, folder: {index: ix, length: length, name: name}} -> {
&line = (line, "[", name, "]").concat
i := length
().loop(() -> {
&i = i.subtract(1)
if i.lt(0) (()) else {
index := index
&stack.push((index, depth.sum(1), true))
if show line.bprintln
// handlers
on_resume := () -> ().update_ui
on_pause := () -> ().update_ui
on_next_song := () -> ().update_ui
on_library_changed := () -> ().update_ui
on_queue_changed := () -> ().update_ui
on_notification_received := (title, content) -> {
("Notification: ", title).concat.bprintln
// add as handlers
&found_songs := [List<MusicDbId>] ().as_list
().loop(() -> {
line := ().read_line
exit := line.len.eq(0)
line := line.trim
&reset_cursor_pos = true
() -> {
if (exit, line.eq("exit")).any {
} else if line.eq("help") {
"===== Help =====".bprintln
"- exit, pause, play".bprintln
"- next, search, add song, clear queue, queue random, queue show".bprintln
"- send notif, set buf len, clear".bprintln
} else if line.eq("pause") {
} else if line.eq("play") {
} else if line.eq("next") {
} else if line.eq("clear") {
&term_buf = ().as_list
} else if line.eq("queue show") {
"== Queue ==".bprintln
} else if line.eq("clear queue") {
} else if line.eq("queue random") {
(().as_list, 0).queue_add_loop
(0, 0).as_list.queue_add_random
} else if line.eq("send notif") {
&custom_input_handler = ("SN", "Notification: ", ().as_list)
} else if line.eq("set buf len") {
&custom_input_handler = ("SetBufLen", "Length (lines): ", ().as_list)
} else if line.eq("search") {
&custom_input_handler = ("Search", "Song: ", ().as_list)
} else if line.eq("add song") {
if found_songs.len.gt(0) {
&custom_input_handler = ("AddSong", ("(1-", found_songs.len, ") ").concat, ().as_list)
} else {
"Use `search` to find songs first!".bprintln
} else if line.len.gt(0) {
(clr_unknown_cmd, "Unknown command: ", line).concat.bprintln
(id, desc, args) -> {
&custom_input_handler = ()
args := [List<String>] args
if id.eq("SN") {
} else if id.eq("SetBufLen") {
() -> (clr_unknown_cmd, "not an int").concat.bprintln
n -> &term_buf_len = n,
} else if id.eq("Search") {
songs := ().all_songs.filter_map({id: id, title: title, album: _, artist: _, cover: _} -> title.index_of(line).try((() -> (), n -> ((id, title))))).take(term_buf_len)
if (songs.len.gt(0), songs.len.eq(term_buf_len)).all {
&songs = songs.take(term_buf_len.subtract(1))
(clr_search, "Search: ", clr_reset, line, clr_dim, " (found more results than will be displayed)").concat.bprintln
} else {
(clr_search, "Search: ", clr_reset, line).concat.bprintln
&found_songs = songs.map((id, _) -> id).as_list
songs.enumerate.for_each((i, (_, song)) -> (clr_dim, i.sum(1), " ", clr_reset, song).concat.bprintln)
} else if id.eq("AddSong") {
() -> (clr_unknown_cmd, "not an int (must be 1-", found_songs.len, ")").concat.bprintln
n -> found_songs.get(n.subtract(1)).try((
() -> (clr_unknown_cmd, "out of range (must be 1-", found_songs.len, ")").concat.bprintln
(id) -> (current_queue_index, id).queue_add_song
} else {
("Unknown CIH ID ", id, ".").concat.eprintln
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
// define handlers
on_resume := () -> "Resumed".eprintln
on_pause := () -> "Paused".eprintln
on_next_song := () -> "Next song".eprintln
on_library_changed := () -> "Library changed".eprintln
on_queue_changed := () -> "Queue changed".eprintln
on_notification_received := (title, content) -> ("Notif:\n - ", title, " -\n", content).concat.eprintln
// use handlers to handle events
// because on_resume won't be called if playback was resumed before this client connected
if ().get_playing {
"Resumed (was playing)".eprintln
().loop(() -> 60.sleep)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
"Wait time (minutes): ".print
time := ().read_line.trim.parse_float.try((
() -> {
"Not a number!".eprintln
f -> f
("Waiting for ", time, " minutes...").concat.eprintln
secs := time.product(60)
"Will pause in 10 minutes or once the current song finishes playing.".eprintln
last_song := ().queue_get_current_song.try((
() -> {
song -> song
// after 10 mins, give up
break := false
{() -> { 600.sleep, &break = true }}.thread
waiting_chars := ("|", "/", "-", "\\")
waiting_index := 0
// wait for song change or for 10 minutes to have elapsed
().loop(() -> {
if break (()) else {
song := ().queue_get_current_song
// no song playing, so exit
() -> (())
// a song is playing. check if it has changed
song -> if song.eq(last_song) {
// show a spinner
() -> ()
(c) -> ("\r", c).concat.eprint
&waiting_index = waiting_index.sum(1)
if waiting_index.gtoe(waiting_chars.len) {
&waiting_index = 0
// wait a second before checking again
} else {
"Sleep Timer!".send_server_notification
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,577 @@
#0: Volbeat/Seal The Deal & Let's Boogie/01 The Devil's Bleeding Crown.mp3
#1: Volbeat/Seal The Deal & Let's Boogie/02 Marie Laveau.mp3
#2: Volbeat/Seal The Deal & Let's Boogie/03 The Bliss.mp3
#3: Volbeat/Seal The Deal & Let's Boogie/04 The Gates Of Babylon.mp3
#4: Volbeat/Seal The Deal & Let's Boogie/05 Let It Burn.mp3
#5: Volbeat/Seal The Deal & Let's Boogie/06 Black Rose.mp3
#6: Volbeat/Seal The Deal & Let's Boogie/07 Rebound.mp3
#7: Volbeat/Seal The Deal & Let's Boogie/08 Mary Jane Kelly.mp3
#8: Volbeat/Seal The Deal & Let's Boogie/09 Goodbye Forever.mp3
#9: Volbeat/Seal The Deal & Let's Boogie/10 Seal The Deal.mp3
#10: Volbeat/Seal The Deal & Let's Boogie/11 Battleship Chains.mp3
#11: Volbeat/Seal The Deal & Let's Boogie/12 You Will Know.mp3
#12: Volbeat/Seal The Deal & Let's Boogie/13 The Loa's Crossroad.mp3
#13: Volbeat/The Strength - The Sound - The Songs/01 Caroline Leaving.mp3
#14: Volbeat/The Strength - The Sound - The Songs/02 Another Day, Another Way.mp3
#15: Volbeat/The Strength - The Sound - The Songs/03 Something Else Or.mp3
#16: Volbeat/The Strength - The Sound - The Songs/04 Rebel Monster.mp3
#17: Volbeat/The Strength - The Sound - The Songs/05 Pool Of Booze Booze Booza.mp3
#18: Volbeat/The Strength - The Sound - The Songs/06 Always Wu.mp3
#19: Volbeat/The Strength - The Sound - The Songs/07 Say Your Number.mp3
#20: Volbeat/The Strength - The Sound - The Songs/08 Soulweeper.mp3
#21: Volbeat/The Strength - The Sound - The Songs/09 Fire Song.mp3
#22: Volbeat/The Strength - The Sound - The Songs/10 Danny & Lucy (11pm).mp3
#23: Volbeat/The Strength - The Sound - The Songs/11 Caroline # 1.mp3
#24: Volbeat/The Strength - The Sound - The Songs/12 Alienized.mp3
#25: Volbeat/The Strength - The Sound - The Songs/13 I Only Wanna Be With You.mp3
#26: Volbeat/The Strength - The Sound - The Songs/14 Everything's Still Fine.mp3
#27: Volbeat/The Strength - The Sound - The Songs/15 Healing Subconsciously.mp3
#28: Accept/Restless And Wild/01 Fast As A Shark.wma
#29: Accept/Restless And Wild/02 Restless And Wild.wma
#30: Accept/Restless And Wild/03 Ahead Of The Pack.wma
#31: Accept/Restless And Wild/04 Shake Your Heads.wma
#32: Accept/Restless And Wild/05 Neon Nights.wma
#33: Accept/Restless And Wild/06 Get Ready.wma
#34: Accept/Restless And Wild/07 Demon's Night.wma
#35: Accept/Restless And Wild/08 Flash Rockin' Man.wma
#36: Accept/Restless And Wild/09 Don't Go Stealing My Soul Away.wma
#37: Accept/Restless And Wild/10 Princess Of The Dawn.wma
#38: Accept/Restless And Wild/mp3/01 Fast As A Shark.mp3
#39: Accept/Restless And Wild/mp3/02 Restless And Wild.mp3
#40: Accept/Restless And Wild/mp3/03 Ahead Of The Pack.mp3
#41: Accept/Restless And Wild/mp3/04 Shake Your Heads.mp3
#42: Accept/Restless And Wild/mp3/05 Neon Nights.mp3
#43: Accept/Restless And Wild/mp3/06 Get Ready.mp3
#44: Accept/Restless And Wild/mp3/07 Demon's Night.mp3
#45: Accept/Restless And Wild/mp3/08 Flash Rockin' Man.mp3
#46: Accept/Dio/Holy Diver/02 Holy Diver.wma
#47: Accept/Dio/Holy Diver/05 Don't Talk To Strangers.wma
#48: Accept/Dio/Holy Diver/06 Straight Through The Heart.wma
#49: Accept/Dio/Holy Diver/07 Invisible.wma
#50: Accept/Dio/Holy Diver/08 Rainbow In The Dark.wma
#51: Accept/Dio/Holy Diver/09 Shame On The Night.wma
#52: Accept/Dio/The Last In Line/02 The Last In Line.wma
#53: Accept/Dio/The Last In Line/03 Breathless.wma
#54: Accept/Dio/The Last In Line/05 One Night In The City.wma
#55: Accept/Dio/The Last In Line/07 Mystery.wma
#56: Accept/Dio/The Last In Line/08 Eat Your Heart Out.wma
#57: Accept/Dio/The Last In Line/09 Egypt (The Chains Are On).wma
#58: Accept/Objection Overruled/01 Objection Overruled.mp3
#59: Accept/Objection Overruled/02 I Don't Wanna Be Like You.mp3
#60: Accept/Objection Overruled/03 Protectors Of Terror.mp3
#61: Accept/Objection Overruled/04 Slaves To Metal.mp3
#62: Accept/Objection Overruled/05 All Or Nothing.mp3
#63: Accept/Objection Overruled/06 Bulletproof.mp3
#64: Accept/Objection Overruled/07 Amamos La Vida.mp3
#65: Accept/Objection Overruled/08 Sick, Dirty And Mean.mp3
#66: Accept/Objection Overruled/09 Donation.mp3
#67: Accept/Objection Overruled/10 Just By My Own.mp3
#68: Accept/Objection Overruled/11 This One's For You.mp3
#69: Avenged Sevenfold/Avenged Sevenfold/01 Critical Acclaim.mp3
#70: Avenged Sevenfold/Avenged Sevenfold/02 Almost Easy.mp3
#71: Avenged Sevenfold/Avenged Sevenfold/03 Scream.mp3
#72: Avenged Sevenfold/Avenged Sevenfold/04 Afterlife.mp3
#73: Avenged Sevenfold/Avenged Sevenfold/05 Gunslinger.mp3
#74: Avenged Sevenfold/Avenged Sevenfold/06 Unbound (The Wild Ride).mp3
#75: Avenged Sevenfold/Avenged Sevenfold/07 Brompton Cocktail.mp3
#76: Avenged Sevenfold/Avenged Sevenfold/08 Lost.mp3
#77: Avenged Sevenfold/Avenged Sevenfold/09 A Little Piece Of Heaven.mp3
#78: Avenged Sevenfold/Avenged Sevenfold/10 Dear God.mp3
#79: Black Sabbath/Born Again/01 Trashed.mp3
#80: Black Sabbath/Born Again/02 Stonehenge.mp3
#81: Black Sabbath/Born Again/03 Disturbing The Priest.mp3
#82: Black Sabbath/Born Again/04 The Dark.mp3
#83: Black Sabbath/Born Again/05 Zero The Hero.mp3
#84: Black Sabbath/Born Again/06 Digital Bitch.mp3
#85: Black Sabbath/Born Again/07 Born Again.mp3
#86: Black Sabbath/Born Again/08 Hot Line.mp3
#87: Black Sabbath/Born Again/09 Keep It Warm.mp3
#88: Black Sabbath/Born Again [Disc 2]/01 The Fallen.mp3
#89: Black Sabbath/Born Again [Disc 2]/02 Stonehenge.mp3
#90: Black Sabbath/Born Again [Disc 2]/03 Hot Line [Live].mp3
#91: Black Sabbath/Born Again [Disc 2]/04 War Pigs [Live].mp3
#92: Black Sabbath/Born Again [Disc 2]/05 Black Sabbath [Live].mp3
#93: Black Sabbath/Born Again [Disc 2]/06 The Dark [Live].mp3
#94: Black Sabbath/Born Again [Disc 2]/07 Zero The Hero [Live].mp3
#95: Black Sabbath/Born Again [Disc 2]/08 Digital Bitch [Live].mp3
#96: Black Sabbath/Born Again [Disc 2]/09 Iron Man [Live].mp3
#97: Black Sabbath/Born Again [Disc 2]/10 Smoke On The Water [Live].mp3
#98: Black Sabbath/Born Again [Disc 2]/11 Paranoid [Live].mp3
#99: Black Sabbath/Reunion [Live] [Disc 1]/01 War Pigs.mp3
#100: Black Sabbath/Reunion [Live] [Disc 1]/02 Behind The Wall Of Sleep.mp3
#101: Black Sabbath/Reunion [Live] [Disc 1]/03 N.I.B.mp3
#102: Black Sabbath/Reunion [Live] [Disc 1]/04 Fairies Wear Boots.mp3
#103: Black Sabbath/Reunion [Live] [Disc 1]/05 Electric Funeral.mp3
#104: Black Sabbath/Reunion [Live] [Disc 1]/06 Sweet Leaf.mp3
#105: Black Sabbath/Reunion [Live] [Disc 1]/07 Spiral Architect.mp3
#106: Black Sabbath/Reunion [Live] [Disc 1]/08 Into The Void.mp3
#107: Black Sabbath/Reunion [Live] [Disc 1]/09 Snowblind.mp3
#108: Black Sabbath/Reunion [Live] [Disc 2]/01 Sabbath Bloody Sabbath.mp3
#109: Black Sabbath/Reunion [Live] [Disc 2]/02 Orchid-Lord Of This World.mp3
#110: Black Sabbath/Reunion [Live] [Disc 2]/03 Dirty Women.mp3
#111: Black Sabbath/Reunion [Live] [Disc 2]/04 Black Sabbath.mp3
#112: Black Sabbath/Reunion [Live] [Disc 2]/05 Iron Man.mp3
#113: Black Sabbath/Reunion [Live] [Disc 2]/06 Children Of The Grave.mp3
#114: Black Sabbath/Reunion [Live] [Disc 2]/07 Paranoid.mp3
#115: Black Sabbath/Reunion [Live] [Disc 2]/08 Psycho Man.mp3
#116: Black Sabbath/Reunion [Live] [Disc 2]/09 Selling My Soul.mp3
#117: Black Sabbath/The Best Of Black Sabbath [Disc 1]/01 Black Sabbath.mp3
#118: Black Sabbath/The Best Of Black Sabbath [Disc 1]/02 The Wizard.mp3
#119: Black Sabbath/The Best Of Black Sabbath [Disc 1]/03 N.I.B.mp3
#120: Black Sabbath/The Best Of Black Sabbath [Disc 1]/04 Evil Woman (Don't Play Your Games With Me).mp3
#121: Black Sabbath/The Best Of Black Sabbath [Disc 1]/05 Wicked World.mp3
#122: Black Sabbath/The Best Of Black Sabbath [Disc 1]/06 War Pigs.mp3
#123: Black Sabbath/The Best Of Black Sabbath [Disc 1]/07 Paranoid.mp3
#124: Black Sabbath/The Best Of Black Sabbath [Disc 1]/08 Planet Caravan.mp3
#125: Black Sabbath/The Best Of Black Sabbath [Disc 1]/09 Iron Man.mp3
#126: Black Sabbath/The Best Of Black Sabbath [Disc 1]/10 Electric Funeral.mp3
#127: Black Sabbath/The Best Of Black Sabbath [Disc 1]/11 Fairies Wear Boots.mp3
#128: Black Sabbath/The Best Of Black Sabbath [Disc 1]/12 Sweet Leaf.mp3
#129: Black Sabbath/The Best Of Black Sabbath [Disc 1]/13 Embryo.mp3
#130: Black Sabbath/The Best Of Black Sabbath [Disc 1]/14 Children Of The Grave.mp3
#131: Black Sabbath/The Best Of Black Sabbath [Disc 1]/15 Lord Of This World.mp3
#132: Black Sabbath/The Best Of Black Sabbath [Disc 1]/16 Into The Void.mp3
#133: Black Sabbath/The End- 4 February 2017 Birmingham [Live] [Disc 1]/01 Black Sabbath.mp3
#134: Black Sabbath/The End- 4 February 2017 Birmingham [Live] [Disc 1]/02 Fairies Wear Boots.mp3
#135: Black Sabbath/The End- 4 February 2017 Birmingham [Live] [Disc 1]/03 Under The Sun - Every Day Comes And Goes.mp3
#136: Black Sabbath/The End- 4 February 2017 Birmingham [Live] [Disc 1]/04 After Forever.mp3
#137: Black Sabbath/The End- 4 February 2017 Birmingham [Live] [Disc 1]/05 Into The Void.mp3
#138: Black Sabbath/The End- 4 February 2017 Birmingham [Live] [Disc 1]/06 Snowblind.mp3
#139: Black Sabbath/The End- 4 February 2017 Birmingham [Live] [Disc 1]/07 Band Introductions.mp3
#140: Black Sabbath/The End- 4 February 2017 Birmingham [Live] [Disc 1]/08 War Pigs.mp3
#141: Black Sabbath/The End- 4 February 2017 Birmingham [Live] [Disc 1]/09 Behind The Wall Of Sleep.mp3
#142: Black Sabbath/The End- 4 February 2017 Birmingham [Live] [Disc 1]/10 Bassically - N.I.B.mp3
#143: Black Sabbath/The End- 4 February 2017 Birmingham [Live] [Disc 2]/01 Hand Of Doom.mp3
#144: Black Sabbath/The End- 4 February 2017 Birmingham [Live] [Disc 2]/02 Supernaut - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath - Megalomania.mp3
#145: Black Sabbath/The End- 4 February 2017 Birmingham [Live] [Disc 2]/03 Rat Salad - Drum Solo.mp3
#146: Black Sabbath/The End- 4 February 2017 Birmingham [Live] [Disc 2]/04 Iron Man.mp3
#147: Black Sabbath/The End- 4 February 2017 Birmingham [Live] [Disc 2]/05 Dirty Women.mp3
#148: Black Sabbath/The End- 4 February 2017 Birmingham [Live] [Disc 2]/06 Children Of The Grave.mp3
#149: Black Sabbath/The End- 4 February 2017 Birmingham [Live] [Disc 2]/07 Paranoid.mp3
#150: Black Sabbath/The Best Of Black Sabbath [Disc 2]/01 Tomorrow's Dream.mp3
#151: Black Sabbath/The Best Of Black Sabbath [Disc 2]/02 Supernaut.mp3
#152: Black Sabbath/The Best Of Black Sabbath [Disc 2]/03 Snowblind.mp3
#153: Black Sabbath/The Best Of Black Sabbath [Disc 2]/04 Sabbath Bloody Sabbath.mp3
#154: Black Sabbath/The Best Of Black Sabbath [Disc 2]/05 Killing Yourself to Live.mp3
#155: Black Sabbath/The Best Of Black Sabbath [Disc 2]/06 Spiral Architect.mp3
#156: Black Sabbath/The Best Of Black Sabbath [Disc 2]/07 Hole in the Sky.mp3
#157: Black Sabbath/The Best Of Black Sabbath [Disc 2]/08 Don't Start (Too Late).mp3
#158: Black Sabbath/The Best Of Black Sabbath [Disc 2]/09 Symptom of the Universe.mp3
#159: Black Sabbath/The Best Of Black Sabbath [Disc 2]/10 Am I Going Insane (Radio).mp3
#160: Black Sabbath/The Best Of Black Sabbath [Disc 2]/11 Dirty Women.mp3
#161: Black Sabbath/The Best Of Black Sabbath [Disc 2]/12 Never Say Die.mp3
#162: Black Sabbath/The Best Of Black Sabbath [Disc 2]/13 A Hard Road.mp3
#163: Black Sabbath/The Best Of Black Sabbath [Disc 2]/14 Heaven And Hell.mp3
#164: Black Sabbath/The Best Of Black Sabbath [Disc 2]/15 Turn Up the Night.mp3
#165: Black Sabbath/The Best Of Black Sabbath [Disc 2]/16 The Dark - Zero the Hero.mp3
#166: Iron Maiden/The Final Frontier (2015 Remaster)/01 Satellite 15.....The Final Frontier (2015 Remaster).mp3
#167: Iron Maiden/The Final Frontier (2015 Remaster)/02 El Dorado (2015 Remaster).mp3
#168: Iron Maiden/The Final Frontier (2015 Remaster)/03 Mother of Mercy (2015 Remaster).mp3
#169: Iron Maiden/The Final Frontier (2015 Remaster)/04 Coming Home (2015 Remaster).mp3
#170: Iron Maiden/The Final Frontier (2015 Remaster)/05 The Alchemist (2015 Remaster).mp3
#171: Iron Maiden/The Final Frontier (2015 Remaster)/06 Isle of Avalon (2015 Remaster).mp3
#172: Iron Maiden/The Final Frontier (2015 Remaster)/07 Starblind (2015 Remaster).mp3
#173: Iron Maiden/The Final Frontier (2015 Remaster)/08 The Talisman (2015 Remaster).mp3
#174: Iron Maiden/The Final Frontier (2015 Remaster)/09 The Man Who Would Be King (2015 Remaster).mp3
#175: Iron Maiden/The Final Frontier (2015 Remaster)/10 When the Wild Wind Blows (2015 Remaster).mp3
#176: Iron Maiden/A Matter Of Life And Death/01 Different World.mp3
#177: Iron Maiden/A Matter Of Life And Death/02 These Colours Don't Run.mp3
#178: Iron Maiden/A Matter Of Life And Death/03 Brighter Than A Thousand Suns.mp3
#179: Iron Maiden/A Matter Of Life And Death/04 The Pilgrim.mp3
#180: Iron Maiden/A Matter Of Life And Death/05 The Longest Day.mp3
#181: Iron Maiden/A Matter Of Life And Death/06 Out Of The Shadows.mp3
#182: Iron Maiden/A Matter Of Life And Death/07 The Reincarnation Of Benjamin Breeg.mp3
#183: Iron Maiden/A Matter Of Life And Death/08 For The Greater Good Of God.mp3
#184: Iron Maiden/A Matter Of Life And Death/09 Lord Of Light.mp3
#185: Iron Maiden/A Matter Of Life And Death/10 The Legacy.mp3
#186: Iron Maiden/Killers/01 The Ides Of March.mp3
#187: Iron Maiden/Killers/02 Wrathchild.mp3
#188: Iron Maiden/Killers/03 Murders In The Rue Morgue.mp3
#189: Iron Maiden/Killers/04 Another Life.mp3
#190: Iron Maiden/Killers/05 Genghis Khan.mp3
#191: Iron Maiden/Killers/06 Innocent Exile.mp3
#192: Iron Maiden/Killers/07 Killers.mp3
#193: Iron Maiden/Killers/08 Prodigal Son.mp3
#194: Iron Maiden/Killers/09 Purgatory.mp3
#195: Iron Maiden/Killers/10 Twilight Zone.mp3
#196: Iron Maiden/Killers/11 Drifter.mp3
#197: Iron Maiden/Maiden England '88 [Live] [Disc 1]/01 Moonchild.mp3
#198: Iron Maiden/Maiden England '88 [Live] [Disc 1]/02 The Evil That Men Do.mp3
#199: Iron Maiden/Maiden England '88 [Live] [Disc 1]/03 The Prisoner.mp3
#200: Iron Maiden/Maiden England '88 [Live] [Disc 1]/04 Still Life.mp3
#201: Iron Maiden/Maiden England '88 [Live] [Disc 1]/05 Die With Your Boots On.mp3
#202: Iron Maiden/Maiden England '88 [Live] [Disc 1]/06 Infinite Dreams.mp3
#203: Iron Maiden/Maiden England '88 [Live] [Disc 1]/07 Killers.mp3
#204: Iron Maiden/Maiden England '88 [Live] [Disc 1]/08 Can I Play With Madness.mp3
#205: Iron Maiden/Maiden England '88 [Live] [Disc 1]/09 Heaven Can Wait.mp3
#206: Iron Maiden/Maiden England '88 [Live] [Disc 1]/10 Wasted Years.mp3
#207: Iron Maiden/Maiden England '88 [Live] [Disc 2]/01 The Clairvoyant.mp3
#208: Iron Maiden/Maiden England '88 [Live] [Disc 2]/02 Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son.mp3
#209: Iron Maiden/Maiden England '88 [Live] [Disc 2]/03 The Number Of The Beast.mp3
#210: Iron Maiden/Maiden England '88 [Live] [Disc 2]/04 Hallowed Be Thy Name.mp3
#211: Iron Maiden/Maiden England '88 [Live] [Disc 2]/05 Iron Maiden.mp3
#212: Iron Maiden/Maiden England '88 [Live] [Disc 2]/06 Run To The Hills.mp3
#213: Iron Maiden/Maiden England '88 [Live] [Disc 2]/07 Running Free.mp3
#214: Iron Maiden/Maiden England '88 [Live] [Disc 2]/08 Sanctuary.mp3
#215: Iron Maiden/No Prayer For The Dying/01 Tailgunner.mp3
#216: Iron Maiden/No Prayer For The Dying/02 Holy Smoke.mp3
#217: Iron Maiden/No Prayer For The Dying/03 No Prayer For The Dying.mp3
#218: Iron Maiden/No Prayer For The Dying/04 Public Enema Number One.mp3
#219: Iron Maiden/No Prayer For The Dying/05 Fates Warning.mp3
#220: Iron Maiden/No Prayer For The Dying/06 The Assassin.mp3
#221: Iron Maiden/No Prayer For The Dying/07 Run Silent Run Deep.mp3
#222: Iron Maiden/No Prayer For The Dying/08 Hooks In You.mp3
#223: Iron Maiden/No Prayer For The Dying/09 Bring Your Daughter To The Slaughter.mp3
#224: Iron Maiden/No Prayer For The Dying/10 Mother Russia.mp3
#225: Iron Maiden/Powerslave (2015 Remaster)/01 Aces High (2015 Remaster).mp3
#226: Iron Maiden/Powerslave (2015 Remaster)/02 2 Minutes to Midnight (2015 Remaster).mp3
#227: Iron Maiden/Powerslave (2015 Remaster)/03 Losfer Words (Big 'Orra) [2015 Remaster].mp3
#228: Iron Maiden/Powerslave (2015 Remaster)/04 Flash of the Blade (2015 Remaster).mp3
#229: Iron Maiden/Powerslave (2015 Remaster)/05 The Duellists (2015 Remaster).mp3
#230: Iron Maiden/Powerslave (2015 Remaster)/06 Back in the Village (2015 Remaster).mp3
#231: Iron Maiden/Powerslave (2015 Remaster)/07 Powerslave (2015 Remaster).mp3
#232: Iron Maiden/Powerslave (2015 Remaster)/08 Rime of the Ancient Mariner (2015 Remaster).mp3
#233: Iron Maiden/Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son/01 Moonchild.wma
#234: Iron Maiden/Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son/02 Infinite Dreams.wma
#235: Iron Maiden/Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son/03 Can I Play With Madness.wma
#236: Iron Maiden/Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son/04 The Evil That Men Do.wma
#237: Iron Maiden/Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son/05 Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son.wma
#238: Iron Maiden/Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son/06 The Prophecy.wma
#239: Iron Maiden/Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son/07 The Clairvoyant.wma
#240: Iron Maiden/Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son/08 Only The Good Die Young.wma
#241: Iron Maiden/Somewhere Back In Time- The Best Of- 1980-1989/01 Churchill's Speech.wma
#242: Iron Maiden/Somewhere Back In Time- The Best Of- 1980-1989/02 Aces High [Live].wma
#243: Iron Maiden/Somewhere Back In Time- The Best Of- 1980-1989/03 2 Minutes To Midnight.wma
#244: Iron Maiden/Somewhere Back In Time- The Best Of- 1980-1989/04 The Trooper.wma
#245: Iron Maiden/Somewhere Back In Time- The Best Of- 1980-1989/05 Wasted Years.wma
#246: Iron Maiden/Somewhere Back In Time- The Best Of- 1980-1989/06 Children Of The Damned.wma
#247: Iron Maiden/Somewhere Back In Time- The Best Of- 1980-1989/07 The Number Of The Beast.wma
#248: Iron Maiden/Somewhere Back In Time- The Best Of- 1980-1989/08 Run To The Hills.wma
#249: Iron Maiden/Somewhere Back In Time- The Best Of- 1980-1989/09 Phantom Of The Opera [Live].wma
#250: Iron Maiden/Somewhere Back In Time- The Best Of- 1980-1989/10 The Evil That Men Do.wma
#251: Iron Maiden/Somewhere Back In Time- The Best Of- 1980-1989/11 Wrathchild [Live].wma
#252: Iron Maiden/Somewhere Back In Time- The Best Of- 1980-1989/12 Can I Play With Madness.wma
#253: Iron Maiden/Somewhere Back In Time- The Best Of- 1980-1989/13 Powerslave.wma
#254: Iron Maiden/Somewhere Back In Time- The Best Of- 1980-1989/14 Hallowed Be Thy Name.wma
#255: Iron Maiden/Somewhere Back In Time- The Best Of- 1980-1989/15 Iron Maiden [Live].wma
#256: Iron Maiden/Somewhere Back In Time- The Best Of- 1980-1989/mp3/02%20Aces%20High%20%5BLive%5D.mp3
#257: Iron Maiden/Somewhere Back In Time- The Best Of- 1980-1989/mp3/05-Wasted-Years.mp3
#258: Iron Maiden/Somewhere Back In Time- The Best Of- 1980-1989/mp3/06-Children-Of-The-Damned.mp3
#259: Iron Maiden/Somewhere Back In Time- The Best Of- 1980-1989/mp3/07-The-Number-Of-The-Beast.mp3
#260: Iron Maiden/Somewhere Back In Time- The Best Of- 1980-1989/mp3/08-Run-To-The-Hills.mp3
#261: Iron Maiden/Somewhere Back In Time- The Best Of- 1980-1989/mp3/11-Wrathchild-_Live_.mp3
#262: Iron Maiden/Somewhere Back In Time- The Best Of- 1980-1989/mp3/13-Powerslave.mp3
#263: Iron Maiden/Somewhere Back In Time- The Best Of- 1980-1989/mp3/14-Hallowed-Be-Thy-Name.mp3
#264: Iron Maiden/Somewhere Back In Time- The Best Of- 1980-1989/mp3/15-Iron-Maiden-_Live_.mp3
#265: Judas Priest/Redeemer Of Souls/01 Dragonaut.mp3
#266: Judas Priest/Redeemer Of Souls/02 Redeemer Of Souls.mp3
#267: Judas Priest/Redeemer Of Souls/03 Halls Of Valhalla.mp3
#268: Judas Priest/Redeemer Of Souls/04 Sword Of Damocles.mp3
#269: Judas Priest/Redeemer Of Souls/05 March Of The Damned.mp3
#270: Judas Priest/Redeemer Of Souls/06 Down In Flames.mp3
#271: Judas Priest/Redeemer Of Souls/07 Hell & Back.mp3
#272: Judas Priest/Redeemer Of Souls/08 Cold Blooded.mp3
#273: Judas Priest/Redeemer Of Souls/09 Metalizer.mp3
#274: Judas Priest/Redeemer Of Souls/10 Crossfire.mp3
#275: Judas Priest/Redeemer Of Souls/11 Secrets Of The Dead.mp3
#276: Judas Priest/Redeemer Of Souls/12 Battle Cry.mp3
#277: Judas Priest/Redeemer Of Souls/13 Beginning Of The End.mp3
#278: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 2]/01 Hangar 18.wma
#279: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 2]/02 Tornado Of Souls.wma
#280: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 2]/03 Rust In Peace... Polaris.wma
#281: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 2]/04 Five Magics.wma
#282: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 2]/05 Take No Prisoners.wma
#283: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 2]/06 Skin O' My Teeth.wma
#284: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 2]/07 Angry Again.wma
#285: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 2]/08 Symphony Of Destruction.wma
#286: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 2]/09 Sweating Bullets.wma
#287: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 2]/10 A Tout Le Monde.wma
#288: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 2]/11 Train Of Consequences.wma
#289: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 2]/12 Reckoning Day.wma
#290: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 3]/01 Trust.wma
#291: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 3]/02 She-Wolf.wma
#292: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 3]/03 Wanderlust.wma
#293: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 3]/04 Dread And The Fugitive Mind.wma
#294: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 3]/05 Blackmail The Universe.wma
#295: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 3]/06 Washington Is Next!.wma
#296: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 3]/07 Head Crusher.wma
#297: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 3]/08 Public Enemy No. 1.wma
#298: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 3]/09 Kingmaker.wma
#299: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 3]/10 The Threat Is Real.wma
#300: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 3]/11 Poisonous Shadows.wma
#301: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 3]/12 Death From Within.wma
#302: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 3]/13 Dystopia.wma
#303: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 1]/01 Rattlehead.wma
#304: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 1]/02 Mechanix.wma
#305: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 1]/03 Killing Is My Business... And Business Is Good!.wma
#306: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 1]/04 The Conjuring.wma
#307: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 1]/05 Wake Up Dead.wma
#308: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 1]/06 Devils Island.wma
#309: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 1]/07 Good Mourning - Black Friday.wma
#310: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 1]/08 Set The World Afire.wma
#311: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 1]/09 In My Darkest Hour.wma
#312: Megadeth/Warheads On Foreheads [Disc 1]/10 Holy Wars... The Punishment Due.wma
#313: Metallica/Hardwired… To Self-Destruct [Disc 1]/01 Hardwired.wma
#314: Metallica/Hardwired… To Self-Destruct [Disc 1]/02 Atlas, Rise!.wma
#315: Metallica/Hardwired… To Self-Destruct [Disc 1]/03 Now That We're Dead.wma
#316: Metallica/Hardwired… To Self-Destruct [Disc 1]/04 Moth Into Flame.wma
#317: Metallica/Hardwired… To Self-Destruct [Disc 1]/05 Dream No More.wma
#318: Metallica/Hardwired… To Self-Destruct [Disc 1]/06 Halo On Fire.wma
#319: Ozzy Osbourne/Memoirs of a Madman/01 Crazy Train.wma
#320: Ozzy Osbourne/Memoirs of a Madman/02 Mr. Crowley.wma
#321: Ozzy Osbourne/Memoirs of a Madman/03 Flying High Again.wma
#322: Ozzy Osbourne/Memoirs of a Madman/04 Over the Mountain.wma
#323: Ozzy Osbourne/Memoirs of a Madman/05 Bark at the Moon.wma
#324: Ozzy Osbourne/Memoirs of a Madman/06 The Ultimate Sin.wma
#325: Ozzy Osbourne/Memoirs of a Madman/07 Miracle Man.wma
#326: Ozzy Osbourne/Memoirs of a Madman/08 No More Tears [Edit][Edit].wma
#327: Ozzy Osbourne/Memoirs of a Madman/09 Mama, I'm Coming Home.wma
#328: Ozzy Osbourne/Memoirs of a Madman/10 Road to Nowhere.wma
#329: Ozzy Osbourne/Memoirs of a Madman/11 Perry Mason.wma
#330: Ozzy Osbourne/Memoirs of a Madman/12 I Just Want You.wma
#331: Ozzy Osbourne/Memoirs of a Madman/13 Gets Me Through.wma
#332: Ozzy Osbourne/Memoirs of a Madman/14 Changes.wma
#333: Ozzy Osbourne/Memoirs of a Madman/15 I Don't Wanna Stop.wma
#334: Ozzy Osbourne/Memoirs of a Madman/16 Let Me Hear You Scream.wma
#335: Ozzy Osbourne/Memoirs of a Madman/17 Paranoid [#][Live].wma
#336: Ozzy Osbourne/Ordinary Man/01 Straight To Hell.mp3
#337: Ozzy Osbourne/Ordinary Man/02 All My Life.mp3
#338: Ozzy Osbourne/Ordinary Man/03 Goodbye.mp3
#339: Ozzy Osbourne/Ordinary Man/04 Ordinary Man.mp3
#340: Ozzy Osbourne/Ordinary Man/05 Under The Graveyard.mp3
#341: Ozzy Osbourne/Ordinary Man/06 Eat Me.mp3
#342: Ozzy Osbourne/Ordinary Man/07 Today Is The End.mp3
#343: Ozzy Osbourne/Ordinary Man/08 Scary Little Green Men.mp3
#344: Ozzy Osbourne/Ordinary Man/09 Holy For Tonight.mp3
#345: Ozzy Osbourne/Ordinary Man/10 It's A Raid.mp3
#346: Ozzy Osbourne/Ordinary Man/11 Take What You Want.mp3
#347: Ozzy Osbourne/Ozzmosis/01 Perry Mason.wma
#348: Ozzy Osbourne/Ozzmosis/02 I Just Want You.wma
#349: Ozzy Osbourne/Ozzmosis/03 Ghost Behind My Eyes.wma
#350: Ozzy Osbourne/Ozzmosis/04 Thunder Underground.wma
#351: Ozzy Osbourne/Ozzmosis/05 See You On The Other Side.wma
#352: Ozzy Osbourne/Ozzmosis/06 Tomorrow.wma
#353: Ozzy Osbourne/Ozzmosis/07 Denial.wma
#354: Ozzy Osbourne/Ozzmosis/08 My Little Man.wma
#355: Ozzy Osbourne/Ozzmosis/09 My Jekyll Doesn't Hide.wma
#356: Ozzy Osbourne/Ozzmosis/10 Old L.A. Tonight.wma
#357: Ozzy Osbourne/Scream/06 Crucify.wma
#358: Ozzy Osbourne/Speak Of The Devil [Live]/01 Symptoms Of The Universe.wma
#359: Ozzy Osbourne/Speak Of The Devil [Live]/02 Snowblind.wma
#360: Ozzy Osbourne/Speak Of The Devil [Live]/03 Black Sabbath.wma
#361: Ozzy Osbourne/Speak Of The Devil [Live]/04 Fairies Wear Boots.wma
#362: Ozzy Osbourne/Speak Of The Devil [Live]/05 War Pigs.wma
#363: Ozzy Osbourne/Speak Of The Devil [Live]/06 The Wizard.wma
#364: Ozzy Osbourne/Speak Of The Devil [Live]/07 N.I.B.wma
#365: Ozzy Osbourne/Speak Of The Devil [Live]/08 Sweet Leaf.wma
#366: Ozzy Osbourne/Speak Of The Devil [Live]/09 Never Say Die.wma
#367: Ozzy Osbourne/Speak Of The Devil [Live]/10 Sabbath Bloody Sabbath.wma
#368: Ozzy Osbourne/Speak Of The Devil [Live]/11 Iron Man - Children Of The Grave.wma
#369: Ozzy Osbourne/Speak Of The Devil [Live]/12 Paranoid.wma
#370: Ozzy Osbourne/The Ozzman Cometh/03 Goodbye To Romance.wma
#371: Ozzy Osbourne/The Ozzman Cometh/06 Over The Mountain.wma
#372: Ozzy Osbourne/The Ozzman Cometh/09 Shot In The Dark.wma
#373: Ozzy Osbourne/The Ozzman Cometh/15 Back On Earth.wma
#374: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (15.10.2017 20-18-14)/01 Titelnummer 1.wma
#375: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (15.10.2017 20-18-14)/02 Titelnummer 2.wma
#376: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (15.10.2017 20-18-14)/03 Titelnummer 3.wma
#377: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (15.10.2017 20-18-14)/04 Titelnummer 4.wma
#378: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (15.10.2017 20-18-14)/05 Titelnummer 5.wma
#379: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (15.10.2017 20-18-14)/06 Titelnummer 6.wma
#380: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (15.10.2017 20-18-14)/07 Titelnummer 7.wma
#381: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (15.10.2017 20-18-14)/08 Titelnummer 8.wma
#382: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (15.10.2017 20-18-14)/09 Titelnummer 9.wma
#383: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (15.10.2017 20-18-14)/10 Titelnummer 10.wma
#384: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (15.10.2017 20-18-14)/11 Titelnummer 11.wma
#385: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (15.10.2017 20-18-14)/12 Titelnummer 12.wma
#386: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (15.10.2017 20-18-14)/13 Titelnummer 13.wma
#387: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (15.10.2017 20-18-14)/14 Titelnummer 14.wma
#388: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (15.10.2017 20-18-14)/15 Titelnummer 15.wma
#389: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (15.10.2017 20-18-14)/16 Titelnummer 16.wma
#390: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (15.10.2017 20-18-14)/17 Titelnummer 17.wma
#391: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (15.10.2017 20-18-14)/18 Titelnummer 18.wma
#392: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (15.10.2017 20-18-14)/19 Titelnummer 19.wma
#393: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (15.10.2017 20-18-14)/20 Titelnummer 20.wma
#394: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (16.10.2017 20-07-49)/01 Titelnummer 1.wma
#395: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (16.10.2017 20-07-49)/02 Titelnummer 2.wma
#396: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (16.10.2017 20-07-49)/03 Titelnummer 3.wma
#397: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (16.10.2017 20-07-49)/04 Titelnummer 4.wma
#398: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (16.10.2017 20-07-49)/05 Titelnummer 5.wma
#399: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (16.10.2017 20-07-49)/06 Titelnummer 6.wma
#400: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (16.10.2017 20-07-49)/07 Titelnummer 7.wma
#401: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (16.10.2017 20-07-49)/08 Titelnummer 8.wma
#402: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (16.10.2017 20-07-49)/09 Titelnummer 9.wma
#403: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (16.10.2017 20-07-49)/10 Titelnummer 10.wma
#404: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (16.10.2017 20-07-49)/11 Titelnummer 11.wma
#405: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (16.10.2017 20-07-49)/12 Titelnummer 12.wma
#406: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (16.10.2017 20-07-49)/13 Titelnummer 13.wma
#407: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (16.10.2017 20-07-49)/14 Titelnummer 14.wma
#408: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (16.10.2017 20-07-49)/15 Titelnummer 15.wma
#409: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (16.10.2017 20-07-49)/16 Titelnummer 16.wma
#410: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (16.10.2017 20-07-49)/17 Titelnummer 17.wma
#411: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (16.10.2017 20-07-49)/18 Titelnummer 18.wma
#412: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (16.10.2017 20-07-49)/19 Titelnummer 19.wma
#413: In Extremo/Unbekanntes Album (16.10.2017 20-07-49)/20 Titelnummer 20.wma
#414: Manowar/Fighting the World/01 Fighting the World.wma
#415: Manowar/Fighting the World/02 Blow Your Speakers.wma
#416: Manowar/Fighting the World/03 Carry On.wma
#417: Manowar/Fighting the World/04 Violence and Bloodshed.wma
#418: Manowar/Fighting the World/05 Defender.wma
#419: Manowar/Fighting the World/06 Drums of Doom.wma
#420: Manowar/Fighting the World/07 Holy War.wma
#421: Manowar/Fighting the World/08 Master of Revenge.wma
#422: Manowar/Fighting the World/09 Black Wind, Fire and Steel.wma
#423: Manowar/Gods Of War/01 Overture To The Hymn Of The Immortal Warriors.mp3
#424: Manowar/Gods Of War/02 The Ascension.mp3
#425: Manowar/Gods Of War/03 King Of Kings.mp3
#426: Manowar/Gods Of War/04 Army Of The Dead, Pt. I.mp3
#427: Manowar/Gods Of War/05 Sleipnir.mp3
#428: Manowar/Gods Of War/06 Loki God Of Fire.mp3
#429: Manowar/Gods Of War/07 Blood Brothers.mp3
#430: Manowar/Gods Of War/08 Overture To Odin.mp3
#431: Manowar/Gods Of War/09 The Blood Of Odin.mp3
#432: Manowar/Gods Of War/10 Sons Of Odin.mp3
#433: Manowar/Gods Of War/11 Glory Majesty Unity.mp3
#434: Manowar/Gods Of War/12 Gods Of War.mp3
#435: Manowar/Gods Of War/13 Army Of The Dead, Pt. II.mp3
#436: Manowar/Gods Of War/14 Odin.mp3
#437: Manowar/Gods Of War/15 Hymn Of The Immortal Warriors.mp3
#438: Manowar/Gods Of War/16 Die For Metal.mp3
#439: Manowar/Into Glory Ride Imperial Edition MMXIX/01 Warlord.mp3
#440: Manowar/Into Glory Ride Imperial Edition MMXIX/02 Secret of Steel.mp3
#441: Manowar/Into Glory Ride Imperial Edition MMXIX/03 Gloves of Metal.mp3
#442: Manowar/Into Glory Ride Imperial Edition MMXIX/04 Gates of Valhalla.mp3
#443: Manowar/Into Glory Ride Imperial Edition MMXIX/05 Hatred.mp3
#444: Manowar/Into Glory Ride Imperial Edition MMXIX/06 Revelation (Death's Angel).mp3
#445: Manowar/Into Glory Ride Imperial Edition MMXIX/07 March For Revenge (By the Soldiers of Death).mp3
#446: Manowar/Louder Than Hell/01 Return of the Warlords.wma
#447: Manowar/Louder Than Hell/02 Brothers of Metal, Pt. 1.wma
#448: Manowar/Louder Than Hell/03 The Gods Made Heavy Metal.wma
#449: Manowar/Louder Than Hell/04 Courage.wma
#450: Manowar/Louder Than Hell/05 Number 1.wma
#451: Manowar/Louder Than Hell/06 Outlaw.wma
#452: Manowar/Louder Than Hell/07 King.wma
#453: Manowar/Louder Than Hell/08 Today Is a Good Day to Die.wma
#454: Manowar/Louder Than Hell/09 My Spirit Lives On.wma
#455: Manowar/Louder Than Hell/10 The Power.wma
#456: Manowar/The Final Battle I [EP]/01 March Of The Heroes Into Valhalla.wma
#457: Manowar/The Final Battle I [EP]/02 Blood And Steel.wma
#458: Manowar/The Final Battle I [EP]/03 Sword Of The Highlands.wma
#459: Manowar/The Final Battle I [EP]/04 You Shall Die Before I Die.wma
#460: Manowar/The Lord Of Steel [Retail Edition]/01 The Lord Of Steel.wma
#461: Manowar/The Lord Of Steel [Retail Edition]/02 Manowarriors.wma
#462: Manowar/The Lord Of Steel [Retail Edition]/03 Born In A Grave.wma
#463: Manowar/The Lord Of Steel [Retail Edition]/04 Righteous Glory.wma
#464: Manowar/The Lord Of Steel [Retail Edition]/05 Touch The Sky.wma
#465: Manowar/The Lord Of Steel [Retail Edition]/06 Black List.wma
#466: Manowar/The Lord Of Steel [Retail Edition]/07 Expendable.wma
#467: Manowar/The Lord Of Steel [Retail Edition]/08 El Gringo.wma
#468: Manowar/The Lord Of Steel [Retail Edition]/09 Anihilation.wma
#469: Manowar/The Lord Of Steel [Retail Edition]/10 Hail Kill And Die.wma
#470: Manowar/The Lord Of Steel [Retail Edition]/11 The Kingdom Of Steel.wma
#471: Manowar/The Triumph Of Steel/01 Achilles, Agony And Ecstasy In Eight Parts.wma
#472: Manowar/The Triumph Of Steel/02 Metal Warriors.wma
#473: Manowar/The Triumph Of Steel/03 Ride The Dragon.wma
#474: Manowar/The Triumph Of Steel/04 Spirit Horse Of The Cherokee.wma
#475: Manowar/The Triumph Of Steel/05 Burning.wma
#476: Manowar/The Triumph Of Steel/06 The Power Of Thy Sword.wma
#477: Manowar/The Triumph Of Steel/07 The Demon's Whip.wma
#478: Manowar/The Triumph Of Steel/08 Master Of The Wind.wma
#479: Manowar/Thunder In The Sky [EP] [Disc 1]/01 Thunder In The Sky.wma
#480: Manowar/Thunder In The Sky [EP] [Disc 1]/02 Let The Gods Decide.wma
#481: Manowar/Thunder In The Sky [EP] [Disc 1]/03 Father.wma
#482: Manowar/Thunder In The Sky [EP] [Disc 1]/04 Die With Honor [Edit Version].wma
#483: Manowar/Thunder In The Sky [EP] [Disc 1]/05 The Crown And The Ring [Metal Version].wma
#484: Manowar/Thunder In The Sky [EP] [Disc 1]/06 God Or Man.wma
#485: Manowar/Thunder In The Sky [EP] [Disc 2]/01 Татко (Father - Bulgarian Version).mp3
#486: Manowar/Thunder In The Sky [EP] [Disc 2]/02 Otac (Father - Croatian Version).mp3
#487: Manowar/Thunder In The Sky [EP] [Disc 2]/03 Isä (Father - Finnish Version).mp3
#488: Manowar/Thunder In The Sky [EP] [Disc 2]/04 Mon Père (Father - French Version).mp3
#489: Manowar/Thunder In The Sky [EP] [Disc 2]/05 Vater (Father - German Version).mp3
#490: Manowar/Thunder In The Sky [EP] [Disc 2]/06 Πατέρα (Father - Greek Version).mp3
#491: Manowar/Thunder In The Sky [EP] [Disc 2]/07 Apa (Father - Hungarian Version).mp3
#492: Manowar/Thunder In The Sky [EP] [Disc 2]/08 Padre (Father - Italian Version).mp3
#493: Manowar/Thunder In The Sky [EP] [Disc 2]/09 父 (Father - Japanese Version).mp3
#494: Manowar/Thunder In The Sky [EP] [Disc 2]/10 Far (Father - Norwegian Version).mp3
#495: Manowar/Thunder In The Sky [EP] [Disc 2]/11 Ojciec (Father - Polish Version).mp3
#496: Manowar/Thunder In The Sky [EP] [Disc 2]/12 Pai (Father - Portuguese Version).mp3
#497: Manowar/Thunder In The Sky [EP] [Disc 2]/13 Tată (Father - Romanian Version).mp3
#498: Manowar/Thunder In The Sky [EP] [Disc 2]/14 Padre (Father - Spanish Version).mp3
#499: Manowar/Thunder In The Sky [EP] [Disc 2]/15 Baba (Father - Turkish Version).mp3
#500: Manowar/Warriors of the World/01 Call to Arms.wma
#501: Manowar/Warriors of the World/02 The Fight for Freedom.wma
#502: Manowar/Warriors of the World/03 Nessun Dorma.wma
#503: Manowar/Warriors of the World/04 Valhalla.wma
#504: Manowar/Warriors of the World/05 Swords in the Wind.wma
#505: Manowar/Warriors of the World/06 An American Trilogy.wma
#506: Manowar/Warriors of the World/08 Warriors of the World United.wma
#507: Motörhead/Overkill [Bonus Track Edition]/01 Overkill.mp3
#508: Motörhead/Overkill [Bonus Track Edition]/02 Stay Clean.mp3
#509: Motörhead/Overkill [Bonus Track Edition]/03 (I Won't) Pay Your Price.mp3
#510: Motörhead/Overkill [Bonus Track Edition]/04 I'll Be Your Sister.mp3
#511: Motörhead/Overkill [Bonus Track Edition]/05 Capricorn.mp3
#512: Motörhead/Overkill [Bonus Track Edition]/06 No Class.mp3
#513: Motörhead/Overkill [Bonus Track Edition]/07 Damage Case.mp3
#514: Motörhead/Overkill [Bonus Track Edition]/08 Tear Ya Down.mp3
#515: Motörhead/Overkill [Bonus Track Edition]/09 Metropolis.mp3
#516: Motörhead/Overkill [Bonus Track Edition]/10 Limb From Limb.mp3
#517: Motörhead/Overkill [Bonus Track Edition]/11 Too Late, Too Late.mp3
#518: Motörhead/Overkill [Bonus Track Edition]/12 Like A Nightmare.mp3
#519: Motörhead/Overkill [Bonus Track Edition]/13 Louie Louie.mp3
#520: Motörhead/Overkill [Bonus Track Edition]/14 Tear Ya Down [Instrumental].mp3
#521: Motörhead/Overkill [Bonus Track Edition]/15 Louie Louie (Alternate Version).mp3
#522: Motörhead/The Best Of Motörhead [Disc 1]/01 Ace Of Spades.wma
#523: Motörhead/The Best Of Motörhead [Disc 1]/02 Overkill.wma
#524: Motörhead/The Best Of Motörhead [Disc 1]/03 Bomber.wma
#525: Motörhead/The Best Of Motörhead [Disc 1]/04 Please Don't Touch.wma
#526: Motörhead/The Best Of Motörhead [Disc 1]/05 Motörhead.wma
#527: Motörhead/The Best Of Motörhead [Disc 1]/06 No Class.wma
#528: Motörhead/The Best Of Motörhead [Disc 1]/07 Louie Louie.wma
#529: Motörhead/The Best Of Motörhead [Disc 1]/08 Damage Case.wma
#530: Motörhead/The Best Of Motörhead [Disc 1]/09 Too Late Too Late.wma
#531: Motörhead/The Best Of Motörhead [Disc 1]/12 Metropolis.wma
#532: Motörhead/The Best Of Motörhead [Disc 1]/14 Tear Ya Down.wma
#533: Motörhead/The Best Of Motörhead [Disc 1]/16 Iron Horse - Born To Lose.wma
#534: Motörhead/The Best Of Motörhead [Disc 2]/01 Iron Fist.wma
#535: Motörhead/The Best Of Motörhead [Disc 2]/02 Heart Of Stone.wma
#536: Motörhead/The Best Of Motörhead [Disc 2]/03 Bomber.wma
#537: Motörhead/The Best Of Motörhead [Disc 2]/04 Shine.wma
#538: Motörhead/The Best Of Motörhead [Disc 2]/07 Doctor Rock.wma
#539: Motörhead/The Best Of Motörhead [Disc 2]/11 Eat The Rich.wma
#540: Motörhead/The Best Of Motörhead [Disc 2]/13 Dogs.wma
#541: Motörhead/The Best Of Motörhead [Disc 2]/15 Sacrifice.wma
#542: Motörhead/The Best Of Motörhead [Disc 2]/20 The Hammer [Live].wma
#543: Motörhead/Under Cöver/01 Breaking The Law.wma
#544: Motörhead/Under Cöver/02 God Save The Queen.wma
#545: Motörhead/Under Cöver/03 Heroes.wma
#546: Motörhead/Under Cöver/04 Starstruck.wma
#547: Motörhead/Under Cöver/05 Cat Scratch Fever.wma
#548: Motörhead/Under Cöver/06 Jumpin' Jack Flash.wma
#549: Motörhead/Under Cöver/07 Sympathy For The Devil.wma
#550: Motörhead/Under Cöver/08 Hellraiser.wma
#551: Motörhead/Under Cöver/09 Rockaway Beach.wma
#552: Motörhead/Under Cöver/10 Shoot 'Em Down.wma
#553: Motörhead/Under Cöver/11 Whiplash.wma
#554: Wind Rose/Wintersaga/01 Of Iron And Gold.mp3
#555: Wind Rose/Wintersaga/02 Wintersaga.mp3
#556: Wind Rose/Wintersaga/03 Drunken Dwarves.mp3
#557: Wind Rose/Wintersaga/04 Diggy Diggy Hole.mp3
#558: Wind Rose/Wintersaga/05 Mine Mine Mine!.mp3
#559: Wind Rose/Wintersaga/06 The Art Of War.mp3
#560: Wind Rose/Wintersaga/07 There And Back Again.mp3
#561: Wind Rose/Wintersaga/08 The King Under The Mountain.mp3
#562: Wind Rose/Wintersaga/09 We Were Warriors.mp3
#563: Within Temptation/Mother Earth/01 Mother Earth.mp3
#564: Within Temptation/Mother Earth/02 Ice Queen.mp3
#565: Within Temptation/Mother Earth/03 Our Farewell.mp3
#566: Within Temptation/Mother Earth/04 Caged.mp3
#567: Within Temptation/Mother Earth/05 The Promise.mp3
#568: Within Temptation/Mother Earth/06 Never-Ending Story.mp3
#569: Within Temptation/Mother Earth/07 Deceiver Of Fools.mp3
#570: Within Temptation/Mother Earth/08 Intro.mp3
#571: Within Temptation/Mother Earth/09 Dark Wings.mp3
#572: Within Temptation/Mother Earth/10 In Perfect Harmony.mp3
#573: Within Temptation/Mother Earth/11 Restless.mp3
#574: Within Temptation/Mother Earth/12 Bittersweet.mp3
#575: Within Temptation/Mother Earth/13 Enter [Live].mp3
#576: Within Temptation/Mother Earth/14 The Dance [Live].mp3
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
use std::{
io::{BufReader, Write},
net::{SocketAddr, TcpStream},
use clap::{Parser, Subcommand};
use musicdb_lib::{
data::database::{ClientIo, Database},
struct Args {
addr: SocketAddr,
action: Action,
enum Action {
fn main() {
let args = Args::parse();
match args.action {
Action::ListChangedSongs => {
let addr = &args.addr;
eprintln!("Address: {addr}, connecting...");
let mut db_con = TcpStream::connect(addr).unwrap();
writeln!(db_con, "main").unwrap();
let client_con: Box<dyn ClientIo> = Box::new(TcpStream::connect(addr).unwrap());
let mut client =
let mut db = Database::new_clientside();
let _ = std::io::stderr().flush();
loop {
let _ = std::io::stderr().flush();
db.apply_command(Command::from_bytes(&mut db_con).unwrap());
if db.is_client_init() {
eprintln!(" done");
eprintln!("Asking server to search for changed songs.");
"Depending on the size of your library and your hardware, this may take a while."
let (songs_no_time, songs_new_time, songs_removed, songs_error) =
if !songs_no_time.is_empty() {
"Songs with no last-modified time ({}):",
for song in songs_no_time {
if let Some(song) = db.get_song(&song) {
eprintln!("-{song}: {:?}", song.location.rel_path)
} else {
if !songs_new_time.is_empty() {
"Songs with a different last-modified time ({}):",
for (song, new_time) in songs_new_time {
if let Some(song) = db.get_song(&song) {
if let Some(old_time) = song.file_last_modified_unix_timestamp {
"-{song}: {:?} : {old_time}->{new_time}",
} else {
eprintln!("-{song}: {:?} : !->{new_time}", song.location.rel_path)
} else {
if !songs_removed.is_empty() {
"Songs with locations that do not exist ({}):",
for song in songs_removed {
if let Some(song) = db.get_song(&song) {
eprintln!("-{song}: {:?}", song.location.rel_path)
} else {
if !songs_error.is_empty() {
"Songs with a different last-modified time ({}):",
for (song, error) in songs_error {
if let Some(song) = db.get_song(&song) {
eprintln!("-{song}: {:?} : {error}", song.location.rel_path)
} else {
Action::FindUnusedSongFiles => {
let addr = &args.addr;
eprintln!("Address: {addr}, connecting...");
let client_con: Box<dyn ClientIo> = Box::new(TcpStream::connect(addr).unwrap());
eprintln!("Connected. Initializing...");
let mut client =
eprintln!("Asking server to search for unused song files in the library.");
"Depending on the size of your library and your hardware, this may take a while."
let unused = client
.find_unused_song_files(Some(&[".mp3", ".wma"]))
for (i, (unused, bad_path)) in unused.iter().enumerate() {
if *bad_path {
"(bad path): {unused} (original path contained newlines or wasn't unicode)"
} else {
println!("#{i}: {unused}");
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
().all_songs.for_each({id: id, title: title, album: album, artist: artist, cover: cover} -> {
("Adding '", title, "' to queue.").concat.eprintln
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ impl Display for Song {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.title)?;
write!(f, "{}", self.title)?;
match self.album {
match self.album {
Some(album) => write!(f, " (by {} on {album})", self.artist)?,
Some(album) => write!(f, " ({} by {} on {album})", self.id, self.artist)?,
None => write!(f, " (by {})", self.artist)?,
None => write!(f, " (by {})", self.artist)?,
@ -133,7 +133,16 @@ impl<T: Write + Read> Client<T> {
} else {
} else {
let mut read_list = || -> std::io::Result<Result<Vec<String>, String>> {
let len_line = len_line.to_owned();
let mut read_list =
|l: Option<String>| -> std::io::Result<Result<Vec<String>, String>> {
let len_line = if let Some(l) = &l {
} else {
self.0.read_line(&mut response)?;
if len_line.starts_with("len: ") {
if len_line.starts_with("len: ") {
if let Ok(len) = len_line[4..].trim().parse() {
if let Ok(len) = len_line[4..].trim().parse() {
let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(len);
let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(len);
@ -152,7 +161,7 @@ impl<T: Write + Read> Client<T> {
break Ok(Ok((
break Ok(Ok((
match read_list()? {
match read_list(Some(len_line))? {
Ok(v) => match v
Ok(v) => match v
.map(|v| v.trim().parse::<SongId>().map_err(|e| (v, e.to_string())))
.map(|v| v.trim().parse::<SongId>().map_err(|e| (v, e.to_string())))
@ -165,7 +174,7 @@ impl<T: Write + Read> Client<T> {
Err(e) => return Ok(Err(e)),
Err(e) => return Ok(Err(e)),
match read_list()? {
match read_list(None)? {
Ok(v) => match v
Ok(v) => match v
.map(|v| {
.map(|v| {
@ -189,7 +198,7 @@ impl<T: Write + Read> Client<T> {
Err(e) => return Ok(Err(e)),
Err(e) => return Ok(Err(e)),
match read_list()? {
match read_list(None)? {
Ok(v) => match v
Ok(v) => match v
.map(|v| v.trim().parse::<SongId>().map_err(|e| (v, e)))
.map(|v| v.trim().parse::<SongId>().map_err(|e| (v, e)))
@ -202,7 +211,7 @@ impl<T: Write + Read> Client<T> {
Err(e) => return Ok(Err(e)),
Err(e) => return Ok(Err(e)),
match read_list()? {
match read_list(None)? {
Ok(v) => match v
Ok(v) => match v
.map(|v| {
.map(|v| {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user