font = '' [text] # define the text displayed in the application. # escape sequences: # \t: song title # \a: album name # \A: artist name # \s1.0;: set the scale (to the default: 1.0) # \h1.0;: set the height-alignment (to the default: 1.0 / align text to be on one baseline) # \cRRGGBB: set color to this hex value. # \cFFFFFF: default color (white) # \iCover:;: show cover with this ID (ID >= 0) # \iCover:0; # \iCustomFile::: show cover stored in custom files at the given path (path terminated by #, is another textcfg) # \iCustomFile:my_image.jpg# # \: (\\ => \, \# => #, \% => %, ...) # custom properties: # %% # %_word% returns the first property that includes "word" # %>Year=% returns the end of the first property that starts with "Year=", # so if a song has "Year=2019", this would return "2019". # %=Value% returns something if a property "Value" is found. # IF: # ?### # If is not empty, the entire block will be replaced by the value generated by . # If is empty, the entire block will be replaced by the value generated by . # Examples: # ?\A#by \A## # If we know the artist's name, write "by " followed by the name, # if not, don't write anything (## -> is empty) # ?\t#\t#(no title found)# # If we know the title, write it. If not, write "(no title found)" instead. status_bar = '''\t \s0.5;?\A#\c505050by \c593D6E\A##?\a#?\A# ##\c505050on \c264524\a##\c808080?%>Year=%# (%>Year=%)## | \d''' # Two lines # 1: # - Title (Size 1.0, White) # - Duration (and, if set, Genre) in brackets (Size 0.5, Gray) # - (\h0.5; = set height-align to 0.5, only affects flag image in second line) # 2: # - if there is an Artist: # - "by " (purple) # - if there is a "Flag: " tag, show the image saved as ".png" # - "on ", if there is an Album (green) # - "()", if there is a Year= tag (gray) idle_top = '''\t \s0.5;\c505050(\d?%>Genre=%#, %>Genre=%##)\h0.5; ?\A#\c505050by \c593D6E\A?%>Flag: %# \s0.25;\iCustomFile:%>Flag: %.png#\s0.5;####?\a#?\A# ##\c505050on \c264524\a##\c808080?%>Year=%# (%>Year=%)##''' idle_side1 = '' idle_side2 = ''