gen_escape_str := str -> { "echo".run_command(("-ne", str)).try(( (s, stdout, stderr) -> if s.eq(0) stdout else "" e -> "" )) } gen_color := mode -> ("\\x1b[", mode, "m").concat.gen_escape_str // 0: reset | 1: bold, 2: dim, 3: italic, 4: underline, 9: strikethrough // Colors: FG/BG=3x/4x (bright, if supported: 9x/10x) | 1red 2green 3yellow 4blue 5magenta 6cyan 7white 9default clr_reset := "0".gen_color clr_red := "31".gen_color clr_green := "32".gen_color clr_yellow := "33".gen_color clr_blue := "34".gen_color clr_magenta := "35".gen_color clr_cyan := "36".gen_color clr_white := "37".gen_color clr_default := "39".gen_color clr_dim := "2".gen_color clr_top_bar_decorations := "2;34" // dim blue clr_top_bar_title := "1;37".gen_color // bold white clr_top_bar_err := "1;31".gen_color // bold red clr_top_bar_empty := clr_dim // dim clr_artist := "35".gen_color // magenta clr_album := "32".gen_color // green clr_user_input_line_decor := "2;36".gen_color // dim cyan clr_user_input_line := "1;36".gen_color // bold cyan clr_unknown_cmd := "31".gen_color // red clr_buf_timestamp := "2;34".gen_color // dim blue clr_search := "1;32".gen_color // dim green // clear terminal and reset cursor and colors "\\x1b[2J\\x1b[H\\x1b[0m".gen_escape_str.eprint // save cursor, reset cursor and color term_before_redraw := "\\x1b[s\\x1b[H\\x1b[0m".gen_escape_str // restore cursor pos term_put_cursor_back := "\\x1b[u".gen_escape_str // erase rest of line in case previous version of this line was longer than new version, then add newline term_clear_rest_of_screen := "\\x1b[0J".gen_escape_str line_end := ("\\x1b[0K".gen_escape_str, clr_reset, "\n").concat str_repeat := (str, count) -> { out := "" ().loop(() -> if { &count = count.subtract(1) &out = (out, str).concat } else (())) out } current_queue_index := [List] ().as_list reset_cursor_pos := true term_buf_len := 10 term_buf := ("Welcome! Type `help` for help.").as_list bprintln := line -> { time := "date".run_command(("+%T")).try(( (s, stdout, stderr) -> if s.eq(0) stdout.trim else "" e -> "" )) &term_buf.push((clr_buf_timestamp, time, " | ", clr_reset, line).concat) // remove start of term_buf if it gets too long if { &term_buf = term_buf.enumerate.filter_map((i, v) -> if () else (v)).as_list } } custom_input_handler := [()/(String, String, List)] () update_ui := () -> { screen := term_before_redraw sprintln := line -> &screen = (screen, line, line_end).concat // top bar (top_bar_line_1, top_bar_line_2) := ().queue_get_current_song.try(( () -> ((clr_top_bar_empty, "[-]").concat, "") id -> id.get_song.try(( () -> ((clr_top_bar_err, "[!]").concat, "") {id: _, title: title, album: album, artist: artist, cover: _} -> { l1 := (clr_top_bar_title, title).concat artist := artist.get_artist album := album.try_allow_unused(( () -> () id -> album.get_album )) l2 := (artist, album).try_allow_unused(( ((), ()) -> "" ({id: _, name: artist_name, cover: _, albums: _, singles: _}, ()) -> (clr_dim, "by ", clr_artist, artist_name).concat ((), {id: _, name: album_name, artist: _, cover: _, songs: _}) -> (clr_dim, "on ", clr_album, album_name).concat ({id: _, name: artist_name, cover: _, albums: _, singles: _}, {id: _, name: album_name, artist: _, cover: _, songs: _}) -> (clr_dim, "by ", clr_reset, clr_artist, artist_name, clr_reset, clr_dim, " on ", clr_reset, clr_album, album_name).concat )) (l1, l2) } )) )) (if ().get_playing "⏵" else "⏸", " ", top_bar_line_1).concat.sprintln top_bar_line_2.sprintln // term buf { buf_ln := 0 ().loop(() -> if{ term_buf.get(term_buf.len.subtract(term_buf_len).sum(buf_ln)).try(( () -> "".sprintln (line) -> line.sprintln )) &buf_ln = buf_ln.sum(1) } else (())) } // user input line user_input_line := (clr_user_input_line_decor, custom_input_handler.try((() -> if ">> " else " > ", (_, v, _) -> v)), clr_user_input_line).concat // print screen ( screen, user_input_line, if reset_cursor_pos term_clear_rest_of_screen else term_put_cursor_back ).concat.eprint &reset_cursor_pos = false } if false ().update_ui // check show_queue_recursive := max_depth_layers -> { stack := ((current_queue_index, -1, false)).as_list ().loop(() -> { &stack.pop.try(( () -> (()) ((index, depth, show)) -> if (max_depth_layers.eq(0), { index := [List] index line := if show { o := "" i := 0 ().loop(() -> if { &o = (o, " ").concat, &i = i.sum(1) } else (())) o } else "" if show &line = (clr_dim, line).concat index.queue_get_elem.try(( () -> () {enabled: _, song: id} -> id.get_song.try(( () -> &line = (line, clr_reset, "[!] ", id).concat {id: _, title: title, album: _, artist: _, cover: _} -> &line = (line, clr_reset, title).concat )) {enabled: _, loop: {total: total, done: done}} -> { index := index &index.push(0) &stack.push((index, depth, false)) &line = (line, "Loop").concat } {enabled: _, random: ()} -> { &line = (line, "Random").concat index := index &index.push(0) &stack.push((index, depth.sum(1), true)) } {enabled: _, shuffle: ()} -> { &line = (line, "Shuffle").concat index := index &index.push(0) &stack.push((index, depth, false)) } {enabled: _, folder: {index: ix, length: length, name: name}} -> { &line = (line, "[", name, "]").concat i := length ().loop(() -> { &i = i.subtract(1) if (()) else { index := index &index.push(i) &stack.push((index, depth.sum(1), true)) } }) } )) if show line.bprintln } )) }) } // handlers on_resume := () -> ().update_ui on_pause := () -> ().update_ui on_next_song := () -> ().update_ui on_library_changed := () -> ().update_ui on_queue_changed := () -> ().update_ui on_notification_received := (title, content) -> { ("Notification: ", title).concat.bprintln content.bprintln ().update_ui } // add as handlers on_resume.handle_event_resume on_pause.handle_event_pause on_next_song.handle_event_next_song on_library_changed.handle_event_library_changed on_queue_changed.handle_event_queue_changed on_notification_received.handle_event_notification_received &found_songs := [List] ().as_list ().loop(() -> { ().update_ui line := ().read_line exit := line.len.eq(0) line := line.trim &reset_cursor_pos = true custom_input_handler.try(( () -> { if (exit, line.eq("exit")).any { (()) } else if line.eq("help") { "===== Help =====".bprintln "Commands:".bprintln "- exit, pause, play".bprintln "- next, search, add song, clear queue, queue random, queue show".bprintln "- send notif, set buf len, clear".bprintln } else if line.eq("pause") { ().pause } else if line.eq("play") { ().resume } else if line.eq("next") { ().next_song } else if line.eq("clear") { &term_buf = ().as_list } else if line.eq("queue show") { "== Queue ==".bprintln 0.show_queue_recursive } else if line.eq("clear queue") { ().queue_clear } else if line.eq("queue random") { ().queue_clear (().as_list, 0).queue_add_loop (0, 0).as_list.queue_add_random } else if line.eq("send notif") { &custom_input_handler = ("SN", "Notification: ", ().as_list) } else if line.eq("set buf len") { &custom_input_handler = ("SetBufLen", "Length (lines): ", ().as_list) } else if line.eq("search") { &custom_input_handler = ("Search", "Song: ", ().as_list) } else if line.eq("add song") { if { &custom_input_handler = ("AddSong", ("(1-", found_songs.len, ") ").concat, ().as_list) } else { "Use `search` to find songs first!".bprintln } } else if { (clr_unknown_cmd, "Unknown command: ", line).concat.bprintln } } (id, desc, args) -> { &custom_input_handler = () args := [List] args if id.eq("SN") { line.send_server_notification } else if id.eq("SetBufLen") { line.parse_int.try(( () -> (clr_unknown_cmd, "not an int").concat.bprintln n -> &term_buf_len = n, )) } else if id.eq("Search") { songs := ().all_songs.filter_map({id: id, title: title, album: _, artist: _, cover: _} -> title.index_of(line).try((() -> (), n -> ((id, title))))).take(term_buf_len) if (, songs.len.eq(term_buf_len)).all { &songs = songs.take(term_buf_len.subtract(1)) (clr_search, "Search: ", clr_reset, line, clr_dim, " (found more results than will be displayed)").concat.bprintln } else { (clr_search, "Search: ", clr_reset, line).concat.bprintln } &found_songs =, _) -> id).as_list songs.enumerate.for_each((i, (_, song)) -> (clr_dim, i.sum(1), " ", clr_reset, song).concat.bprintln) } else if id.eq("AddSong") { line.parse_int.try(( () -> (clr_unknown_cmd, "not an int (must be 1-", found_songs.len, ")").concat.bprintln n -> found_songs.get(n.subtract(1)).try(( () -> (clr_unknown_cmd, "out of range (must be 1-", found_songs.len, ")").concat.bprintln (id) -> (current_queue_index, id).queue_add_song )) )) } else { ("Unknown CIH ID ", id, ".").concat.eprintln 1.panic } } }) clr_reset.eprintln